Friday, February 17, 2017

Middle School Rhythm and Note Naming Stations

The halfway point of the year has passed and I received my new 7th graders for the second half of the year.  Our schedule splits the grade in half: Quarters 1 & 2 I have 2 sections and Quarters 3 &4 I switch kids and get 2 new sections.

I decided I wanted to revamp my curriculum.  Again.  Because what's the fun in teaching the same lesson over and over again?

I did a station review for my note naming review and I was really regretting not documenting it well.  I did take a quick video for our department Facebook page though.  Check out the quick and easy "mini units" below!

Okay - Maybe my learning targets were a liiiiiiiiiitle lofty. 💁

*For future reference, I pick teams randomly using this Class Tools "Wheel of Fortune" style.*

3 stations:

1. Floor Staff Jumpers: Easy game.  Made a floor staff of washi tape, the kids jumped one at a time, named the note.  The staff is NOT labeled with a treble or bass clef because we do two separate rounds of this game.

2. Quizlet SmartBoard Flashcards:  You can make your own sets or use these Treble Clef and Bass Clef sets.

3.  Match the Coffee to the Donuts! : Memory match game.  The kids had a lot of fun with this.  I used the manipulatives from the Treble and Bass Clef Mega Set I bought off a Teachers Pay Teachers.

Rhythm Stations

For both of the mini units, I use a Nearpod presentation the class before.  Our students have chromebooks for 1:1 instructions, but you can also use smartphones.

The flu and a respiratory virus has been ripping through our school, so for this particular day I set up the Rhythm Review on self paced mode while the other students made up their tests.  You can track the data from their interactions after they are done!

3 Stations

1.  Rhythm Chain Bean Bag Game:  Okay so I forgot my bean bags for this and used tennis balls (oops).  The effect is still the same.  Student teams chain up rhythms one by one and "play" then however they choose to.  I created these Rhythm Cards in Illustrator and laminated them so that they wouldn't get scuffed.  Follow my Google Drive link so that you can download the game rules and cards HERE

 2.  Rhythm Dice Game:  I love this Teachers Pay Teachers file!  It's a great warm up tool.  It doesn't have dotted rhythms, but you could easily make your own to add them in.  Find it HERE.

Ending Activity:  Rhythm Kahoot.  This one is my FAVORITE.  If the kids could Kahoot every day, they probably would.  You can search through the millions (yes, millions) of premade quizzes or make your own.  I usually use this one HERE because it has a cool review intro video.

Next activity will be a Rhythm and Rap team assignment.  Laaaaawd help me with the results of this


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